
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


 - I ostrich at the first sign of atrocities committed to children.  Having anything remotely like that happen to my family is unfathomable, and I feel like I need to keep it that way - out of sight, out of mind.

 - In other news, I'm surprised the End of the World in 2012-ers have not come out in support of Sandy supporting their cause.  Seems logical.

 - I think all the NHL players can go fuck themselves and I honestly hope that the NHL needs to re-structure their shit after this debacle (3rd work stoppage in as many collective bargaining agreement expiration's between the league and the players union).  These moron players have the audacity to compare what they do, and what they earn, and what they are 'struggling' with to the everyday person in an attempt for compassion and understanding.  These fuckers currently take 57% of the cash the owners make for their salaries.  JUST their salaries.  Not including their RENT AND MORTGAGE REIMBURSMENTS, food, hotel, medical, etc.  The owners (who in their own ways are likely savage, heartless, and cruel businessmen and equally unlikable) want the split to be closer to 50/50 and will roll-back salaries to meet that end.  The asshat players cry "woe is me, my 1, or 2, or 8 million a year salaries are going to be rolled back 7%" (but they will still get the goddamn mortgage reimbursements) and they ask for sympathy from the fan, "what if your boss threatened to rollback your salary 7%".  I got news fuckfaces, that 7% rollback is a reality, and then some, for lots and lots of people making less money a year than you cockmonsters make playing 15 minutes in ONE GAME.

And another thing, these fucking brilliant players cry unity, when already a good number of them have left the country to play overseas for a lower salary, until this unpleasantness sorts itself out.

I honestly hope that the NHL partially implodes, the owners fire the executives, and bring in replacement players.  I care about the LA Kings, not particularly any of the players on the team.  They are all in it for themselves and covet free-agency above the team, the game, the league, or the fans, so fuck em.  Bring on the replacements, bring on the journeymen, bring on the kids out of college; if they are wearing the Kings sweaters, I will root for them.