
Monday, October 08, 2012

Sure mang, that seems reasonable. One way to save dough: all Coors Light, all the time. We might be able to get a cheaper rate than that if we go in the rainy season, too.

I'm looking after the kid for a few days while the iWife is on a business trip, and today the daycare is closed for the all-time bullshit holiday, Columbus Day. Tiring! But fun. We took a quick jaunt into the city which was cool. She was pretty stoked looking at the hobos, the pair of eight-year olds digging through the BART seat cushions and wrestling on/under the seats, didn't seem to mind the urine-soaked BART elevators, etc.

Actually this was my first time taking the elevators and so I'd never noticed the prominent sign reading "UNDER PENALTY OF LAW, DO NOT URINATE OR DEFECATE IN THIS ELEVATOR" Don't tell the cops guys but I think my daughter may have broken her first law.

I've been splitting my time playing Borderlands 2 and Guild Wars 2 and have been enjoying both. GW2 plays differently than WoW, which made it a little tough to get used to, but I'm finding more to like as I go. Combat is more movement oriented than WoW and feels more dynamic, although it seems to be about the same difficulty. There is very little downtime, because you can fast-travel from anywhere to any waypoint you'e found (and there seem to be lots of them). They use the instanced storyline shtick that SWTOR did, and it's done well so far. It's very pretty and runs well on my rig. Also, NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE!

My video game plate is obviously WAY too full right now, but down the road I think I'll pick up Dishonored. Gameplay sounds like a fusion of Thief and Bioshock that's right up my alley, and the art style is super cool.