
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thanks very much for playing, guys! And yes, it would be great to pack in Art and Ryan into the next game! The more the merrier...

Rude your technical issues were hilarious. Every time you went to talk there would be this disturbing closeup of your mouth, which would usually become the focus of my screen... good times. :) I guess we're not QUITE in the future where we play on our iPads yet. I'm sure this stuff will be more doable soon though! I've never seen that overheating issue before.

I think we decided to play again on Saturday the 29th, going for 2 PM again.

I'll finish up a session report later in the day. Elzar, what were your character's full names again?

Yesterday was my parents/the babysitters last night in town, so after the game, the cyber-Wife and I went out to dinner and then caught a showing of Raiders of the Lost Ark with Enron! They're playing it at theaters all over the place and it was GREAT! I don't remember if I saw that one in the theater or not back in the day, I was probably a touch young for it, but man, it was so cool on the big screen. Belloq's head exploding on a super-sized screen was the balls.