
Saturday, September 08, 2012

Nice find Aeryk! I appreciate that his Kraken is painted in Ravens colors. He appears to be playing against Matt Wilson, the founder of PP/creator of WM. Nice to see a pretty standup gamer dude who's also a pro athlete. Are there others? The only other one I knew before was Curt "Ah hates the govment"/"Govment, please save mah company!" Schilling. But we live in an increasingly geeky world so I'm sure there are others.

Just got back from a few days' vacation with the wife. My parents came up and babysat. WAS RESTFUL. We found a good deal on a Tahoe hotel for a few days (gotta love off-season prices), and basically slept and watched TV and nothing else. Then we met up with Mr and Mrs Enr0n in Yountville and went to a SUPER FANCY OMG restaurant, it was really good! Our table and another table were fairly lively, we were both getting a lot of dirty looks from an old couple that looked like the rich people in Caddyshack. We also offended a snooty waiter and everything culminated in a massive pie fight. (Note, the previous sentence, though awesome, was fictional.) We finished eating at 4 and were so stuffed that we didn't eat anything else the rest of the day. Really fun. Thanks for meeting up with us enr0n!