Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Made it to the end (FTL)
Granted, playing through on Easy first, just to see how hairy things get as you progress. I made some noober mistakes on layout and weapon choices along the way and basically wound up looking like a missile frigate... with no missiles. LOL
The result was predictable, we done got vaporized.
I think what's so fun about the game is the total randomness of it. The system layouts, the encounters, the loot and gear you can buy along the way.. you never really know how it's going to go, so you have to be ready to adapt and adjust when something goes unexpectedly good or horrifically bad. Although, to be fair, when things go horrifically bad, that's usually a GAME OVER point.
I've had more than enough battles where I thought I had shit under control and then all of a sudden a missile / asteroid gets through the defenses and WRECKS MY SHIT.
I love it that it is so unforgiving, and randomly rewarding at the same time. I think I've only survived one solar-flare battle, ever. Probably means I don't put enough of my loot into improving my engines. Can't make that jump to light speed before half my fucking ship is on fire, lol.