
Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Okay, I spent probably a few dozen too many hours playing that damn game. But it was pretty much tout de sweet. Anyone who didn't like Borderlands, will not like Borderlands 2. It is pretty much the same game with more content and minor tweaks: better AI, some character class adjustments and a more cohesive plot. Looks like team jEnr0n will be playing by our sexy lonesomes, while continuously looping the Bike Shop episode in the background. Ahhhhhh yeah. I will still keep digging holes in Minecraft though.

I do remember the bike shop video at Kubla. In fact, that search remained on my phone for quite a while. Creepy, but inadvertent. Back on the iPhone 1, I didn't watch much YouTube on it. YouTube was slow as hell for videos on cellular and my house didn't have WiFi at the time. So I didn't watch videos on it really much at all. I don't remember being mad, but if I got all butthurt about that, then I probably deserved it. Anyway, did I trash the hotel room in blinding, seething anger? If I did, I'm soowrry Dr. Venkman.

Re: "We're Sailors on the moon, we carry a harpoon". Thanks for the nice write up Mr. jr0n. I look forward to our next session of killing and being killed.

Also delayed reaction: F the NHL players and the Owners and Gary Buttman and Donald Fuhr. Another lockout... 7 years after the last, 3rd under Buttman's watch. Come on!
