
Monday, August 20, 2012

Yes sir, Happy B-Day. One more notch on the post of life.

What to pick-up. DCC. That game is pretty damn fun. Iron Kingdoms and The One Ring RPGs were both fun, although I would love to play with a more [AT] style GM to really see how these systems work for us. Certainly DCC is the most G+ friendly.

We didn't try out Netrunner. I liked the theme of the old school version, I still have my cards, but was never drawn in. Something about the mechanics never worked for me. Maybe FF has this one dialed in a little better.

Not that this is super new, but the two player Agricola is apparently great for the mono y mono action. I will probably pick it up for game with the missuz.

I will try and post-process the pictures tonight and Tuesday. I will post a link once they are up.

Based on Blackheart, Pump and jr0n, it sounds like another ManCon won't be in the cards until early 2013. Maybe late winter con?
