
Sunday, August 12, 2012


 - We went to a wedding this weekend right here in Aptos.  It was nice, I didn't really know many people, and everyone that I did know I knew through Leslie (her work friends/employees).  Anyway, because the place had limited parking, there was a shuttle running to/from The Britannia Arms, the bar up the street from us, so everyone could just park in Niscene Marks and get a lift.  We had to leave early because of the babysitting sitch, so we missed the action, but apparently, after the wedding shut down the party continued at the Brit.  Long story short, some dude from the wedding broke the first rule of bar fights and punched a Hell's Angel in the face (in a Hell's Angel bar, no less).  His night ended with a bottle or glass being smashed in his face and then while bleeding out from the face, was choked out.  The bouncers moved the shenanigans outside, where there were some more HAs waiting, things picked up again, and then died down.  The HA Puncher had no insurance, so basically the bambulance guys wrapped his whole head in gauze, and sent him on his way.  Maybe he will be scarred for life, maybe he lost a large piece of his face, who knows.  All I know is that if you are dumb enough to not remember the first, and most important rule of bar fights (Don't instigate one by punching a Hell's Angel in the face) you kind of had it coming.

 - Denis!

 - Opened my Space Hulk set over the weekend and want to paint them up so badly!

 - Looks like in the next few weeks I will be converted to a full HP employee, so the gamble appears to have  paid off.  The area and division I work in seems to be safe, and given that hiring right now, in light of the 27k layoffs needed Meg's signature, I hope that it's a relatively safe place to be and my position is relatively secure.  Time will tell.

 - Speaking of 'time will tell'.  I think that that guy from Mazes and Monsters, not Tom Hanks, or the blond jock, but the other one, the one with the bird, had a part in Sons of Anarchy as some hotshot lawyer.  Good for him!

 - Here is one of the absolutely hilarious moments of the SNL Jeopardy skits - it's overshadowed in my memory by Turd Fergusen, Buck Futter, and other Burt Reynolds shenanigans, but at 3:30 of the following sketch, I was crying laughing last night.  Sure, I had so sort of be quiet while I laughed, and that carried some more funny energy to the mix, but I still think it is amazingly funny. (Thanks for the link and reminder jr0n!)