
Monday, August 13, 2012

Fun Afoot

- I bought tickets for a few RPGs I want to try: IKRPG, The One Ring, Marvel Superheroes, and going to a miniature creation seminar.
- Hitting up the Ram, local brewpub that partners up with PP each year. Serves the bacon, fried-egg, onion-ring topped "Faburgé" which Blackheart had committed to eating. Keg tapping party Wednesday, if we're feeling it.
- I'm running a zero-level "funnel adventure" for DCC, and perhaps a 1st-level if time permits/any survivors
- Blackheart solicited us for Car Wars vehicle ideas and is putting together a battle royale
- Games on deck: Summoner Wars, Magic (buying 6 boosters, and building a deck from it is fun!), Quarriors, Dungeon Lords, Space Alert, LotR LCG, etc., plus whatever random purchase ends up rocking the house (a la Gears last year)
- When in doubt, watch Pump buy minis