
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Man, How to Clean Everything was a fucking incredible record! And everything after that was so sludgy-metally. What happened? That record still totally holds up, man. One of the greatest, loudest few seconds of any record evar, for my money. tss-tss-tss-DAHNAHNAHNAH!

Aeryk! Bad timing! Like your wife, my family is sojourning to SF this weekend. Maybe we can meet up with her. :) Could maybe work out a trip in one of the next 2 weekends, or you are welcome to come up here!

Also, in those next couple weekends, anyone want to do an online gaming session? I think it's high time we played this Dungeon Crawl Classics. Looks super fun, super easy to make characters and get started (3d6 in order, roll hp, go), and generally a good time. I'd love to do a game starting anytime in the early afternoon either of the next 2 Saturdays.

Edit: and yes, I am pumped for Batman! Last movie I saw was Avengers (which was decent). Last before that was Ides of March back in September, which I agree was pretty entertaining and not what I expected. A low-intensity thriller I guess is how I'd describe it.