
Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm playing a bunch of random dudes from the Something Awful forums, and one cool trick I saw someone do with the Sneeks deck was spawning a bunch of the 0 cost dudes, then killing them on the same turn for the magic points. Talk about trixie shit! (EDIT: Thinking about it, I'm wondering why he didn't just discard those cards for magic at the end of the turn. There might have been an advantage to them being attacked? I don't remember)

Building custom decks seems pretty crucial. There always seems to be some hinky champions that you can swap out with one of the reinforcements or a merc. The common reinforcements/mercs are also pretty slick. I probably wouldn't have ever seen those cards because I don't think I'd buy them in real life, but it's great to have access to it here.