
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rude: I think a Trojan Virus just attacked and killed my computer!  What was that latter half of your post?   Nay a word of it understood.   I totally agree on your take though.  The acting and cast has been unbelievable.   We can watch next sundays episode on a big screen, eat popcorn and cuddle!

Hola from Springfield las Vegas.  I took a day off and drove down to vegas on mafia bidness and have half a day to blow before doing some presentations.... so...

Eric:  I never thought of it that way, good point.  I agree it seems completely counterintuitive (and ironic) but strangely I seemed to enjoy the adaptation more that way.  Additionally, I read an interview with George Martin in which he confided of his "regret" in making Tyrion as ugly in the novel than after seeing how a comely peter dinklage fit the plot of an unfit and outcast Lannister heir who had the intelligence and charisma unusual to a dwarf.  GRRM plays a large influence in the making of the series and being able to visualize his characters, which I believe he used to essentially perfect his books.  Do I dare say, perhaps the series is more accurate in it's depiction of characters than the book?  I'm sure the book fans are gonna crucify me now.