
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kubla Krap

I'm interested to hear what you have to think! It took me about 45 hours to go through the game, which seems to be a bit on the slow side from what I've heard.

Enron and I are definitely renting a room for Friday night at Kubla. I'm planning to divest myself of a bunch of games -- if you're interested in any on the list let me know. I haven't done any price research yet.

Arkham Horror + Innsmouth Expansion
WoW Adventure Game (includes a few of the character expansions)
Battle Cry (1st ed)
Cosmic Encoutner Hasbro/AH (pretty sure this is worth NOTHING since FFG's current version is very popular, but you never know)
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Acquire (I have both the Hasbro/AH, and an older AH version)
Diplomacy (AH version)
Rune Age
Cities of Doom (x2, weird dice game, one is sealed)
I'm the Boss!
Nexus Ops, 1st ed
Risk: Godstorm
Samurai (Knizia, first edition)
Duel of Ages
Wizard Kings
Adventurers: Pyramid of Horus (includes the painted figs)
Gears of War
Doom + Expansion
Dragon Delta
Death Angel (includes 2 POD expansions)
Frag Deadlands (hot item, I'm sure)
Mutant Chronicles the boardgame (aka Rectal Fortitude the game -- thanks Enron)
Legacy of Glory (some weird Napoleonics rules I won at Kubla last year -- sealed!)
Runebound 2nd ed (includes 2-3 mini expansions), + Island of Dread expansion
Combat Commander (just never play with anyone but Aeryk, and he'll NEVER sell that shit)
Mansions of Madness (includes 2 POD expansions)
Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers
LotR Confrontation (small box)
Blue Moon
Starship Catan (the 2-player card game)
Hive (wood version)
Scarab Lords
Dungeon Twister
Cars Wars Deluxe
Game of Thrones 1st ed (man, I REALLY should have sold this before 2nd ed came out, might just keep it actually, great game)
Evo (1e)
Ricochet Robot
LotR board game (includes both expansions)
How to Host a Murder!
Titan: the ARENA
Battletech 4th ed

Lots of junk, but some gems in there too!