
Monday, May 28, 2012

I'm totally down for D+DNext! The way it sounds like it's going to be trickled out isn't going to be condusive to any kind of long form campaign, but I would love to treat it as an actual Beta and see how the systems work. Since none of us will have paid money for it at this point, being critical of it won't hurt anyone's feelings.

See if this link works Elrick: LINK

If not I can email you the zip. It's only 5 megawatts.


I gotta say, without actually SAYING, that Johnny came up with a cool combat dice mechanic for his dungeony crawling game he's been working on. It's fun! Which reminds me, one of the cabin cons (norcal I think) there was a card based dungeon crawling game I saw people playing. I know the loot played a big part of it and it might have had cartoony graphics. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I wanted to show it to Johnny.
