
Monday, May 14, 2012


eLzar, that is a pretty sweet, scraggly beard. Probably better looking than mine would be, LOL. Unfortunately, I cannot be a heathen at my work. No playoff beard for eNron, booo... I have been keeping my mouth shut about the Kings, but damn is it super exciting. Talk about a turn around late in the Season.

r00d, That sounds really tough. I did a similar diet a couple of years ago for about a month and a half and it was really tough, but at least I could eat oils. That sounds crazy hard. Good luck, I hope you are able to stick with it.

jr0n & eLzar, I will probably have a few to add to the pile. Not too many though. I got rid of a lot of my stinkers. eLzar, you need to do what I did, just throw the rest on the balcony for the next guest to discover (GOOTMU & 6 Billion). Never looked back on that decision. Look forward to seeing you jokers on Kubla Friday.
