Tuesday, May 15, 2012
That Zombie Run looks like crazy fun! Hah! My poor knees though. :( I really should get them roto-rootered here some day. I know it will improve my quality of life a bunch.
Grats on the diet. One small word of caution bro (just some stuff to be cautious of and be aware of), a lot of vegan diets are lacking in several key areas that can cause serious health issues. For example, there are amino acids only found in animal fat (or by capsule) that your body doesn't like going long stretches of time without. Vegan diets typically have trouble with B12 and Calcium intake as well.
You can probably do ok on a Vegan diet for a prolonged amount of time, but don't kill yourself trying to get healthy. :)
Flax / Hemp seeds are a good source of omega fatty acids. Legumes are good protein sources. You can supplement for amino acids, B12 and vitamin D & Calcium (although Calcium is probably the easiest thing of the bunch to find in the veggies). Some folks metabolize supplements better than others compared to natural sources, but you may wanna look into an amino / B12 supplement.
Just looking out for you mang.