
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Edit: took another looksee, and it looks like anyone can play in any region server, so yes! Ja-el, your dreams of running a Chinese gold farm are complete.

If you aren't sold on Diablo 3 yet, maybe you will be excited by this sterling copy from the Wal-mart product description page? (Yes, this was real. They've changed it now after the blogosphere started going after it though.)

The Diablo III PC/Mac Game revolves around an interesting plot which will keep you spell bound. while you are playing. This Strategy Video Game also has some similar setting as the Diablo II like Tristram. The Witch Doctor is a new character in this game, is reminiscent of the Diablo II Necromancer, The Barbarians in this strategy video game have a variety of revamped skills at their disposal on the basis of the use of their incredible physical prowess. Bring home the PC video game to solve the mysteries of the mighty Barbarians.

  • The Witch Doctor is a new character reminiscent of the Diablo II Necromancer
  • The Barbarians will have a variety of revamped skills at their disposal based on the use of their incredible physical prowess.
  • 1-on-1' dueling system coming into play.
In other thrilling news -- finally finished Mass Effect 3 last night. To me, the ending was not the horribad mess it's been made out to be, there were aspects of it that were cool, but it really seemed rushed. It was sloppy and in some ways just didn't make sense. They tried to go for an artsy, epic ending and instead just got kind of stupid. So, a little disappointing, but not enough to ruin the rest of the series, which I really, really liked.

They actually are doing a free DLC that expands on the ending that supposedly doesn't change the events but clarifies them. I guess we'll see.