
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Diablo 3- SUPPOSEDLY it gets better as you progress through the game. It's supposed to really pick up around Act 3. Also, the hardcore mode unlocks at level 10 which actually sounds fun - one life, that's it - you die, game over. Rogue-like! Blizzard's massive infrastructure and probable support are also appealing, but the 30 minutes I played of the beta was enough to "show me the game" and it's not really my thang. Never really played D1 or 2 anyways. Never even finished Torchlight, but it was dirt cheap and I def got my $10 bucks or whatever's worth out of it. I'll support T2 because they seem like a cool developer.

Food: I think I'm allergic to lettuce and all things green. 4 more weeks is a LONG ASS TIME... we've also been trail running at least once a week and that's pretty fun. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hiking, but when you get to do it in like half the time, it's kinda awesome. At least these are easy fire roads. I'd still prefer hiking in more rugged/varied terrain.

Boardgame: Scotland Yard. I remember playing some form of this years ago with the group. Did/do you guys like it? There's an iPad version coming out this week I believe but I think I only ever played it twice. I love the idea of those kind of games (really want to play Letters from White Chapel some day) but don't remember much about it.

Zombies: Eric is king of zombies.

TV: Man, Game of Thrones has been SO GOOD this year! Only 3 more left. They totally upped the production and do a ton of shooting on awesome-location now, so things look a billion times better. They shot all this "north of the wall" stuff in Iceland and it looks incredible. Best friggen show. HBO's new comedy Veep is also fantastic and very funny.