
Monday, April 16, 2012


Yes, 4 hours is misleading for the most part. I probably put in 1.5 - 2 hours with a lot of pause time to move boxes, etc. It's a fun, Eye of the Beholderesque, old school dungeon crawl with real-time combat and a bit of a tricky magic system. Each character has a lil' display in the corner that shows both their hands, you rclick the hand/item you want to attack with and then there is an un-published cooldown associated so you just wait until the item becomes ungrayed-out and click it again. The spells you rclick either the hand (or Staff of Power) and then it brings up a 'numpad' of magic runes. Each spell you need to click a binary pattern (the button is either on or off) then hit 'cast'. The problem is that the spell patterns are found on scrolls and then the only way to cast them is to be of the proper level in the proper magic, and then to memorize the spell pattern. I mostly use a one or two button pattern for my spells, and since it's rel-time, it feels a little limiting and kind of a bummer.

Overall, I have hit level 3 (of 12 dungeon levels I think?) and it is fun, but not fun-tastic. Some of the teleport puzzles have been interesting, and the old-school vibe is fun in and of itself, but it is certainly priced right at $14, though maybe $9.99 would be more appropriate. Definitely worth the price of admission given the amount of time it will no doubt take someone to finish the game, but it might become a lil too monotonous to actually finish at all.

Will Flower, Thrud, Robetta, and Clerica make it to the bottom of Grimrock? Read the book and find out!