
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Good deal on ME3! Personally I haven't finished it yet. I'm enjoying it, but gameplay-wise, it's really more of the same after ME2. That isn't a bad thing but I'm not as compelled to jam through it like with the other games.

I picked up Fez and have been enjoying it. It's a pretty relaxing puzzle game with fun retro graphics and sound and great production values (within those limits). One thing I like is that, while for the most part it's platforming puzzles, there are also these weird clues lying around the place, that seem to relate to things you find elsewhere in the game, in ways that are unclear. It reminds me a bit of Myst in that sense (although the gameplay is absolutely nothing like Myst).

Ja-el: glad you're doing some crime research! You're almost ready to enhance "Drug Wars" to Avalon Hill complexity 9. When you're ready to move from meth to heroin distribution (complexity 10), perhaps you should watch The Wire? Although it doesn't focus as much on the nuts and bolts of production, it is useful for understanding the limited strengths and crippling weaknesses of the law enforcement organizations that will inevitably come after you, how to run a crime organization with remorseless effectiveness (until it is brought low by ambition and betrayal, anyway), the ins and outs of the international drug and prostitution trades, and the best ways to bring the youth of tomorrow into your organization, both as workers, and as consumers.

BTW, I know I played Titan once or twice with Paul back in the day -- weren't you there? It's honestly not that great of a game. Movement is really weird and random, and combat is sort of fun, but the game is looooooong. (One player can basically watch TV while the other two resolve a single combat.) One best left to nostalgia, IMO. The best thing about it was that the ink used in the first printing of the game was not water soluble, so any sweat, spilled water, etc would destroy the chits.