
Monday, April 16, 2012


Fleabag Market is Friday night at 11pm, not Saturday. Just adds a little bonus level of suck to the whole deal - leaving after work for a late night sell-fest in a hot, stinky and sweaty room sounds less than fabu.

I do have some games to sell, and I might be able to pick up some minor scrilla there, but I'm mostly looking to hit those poor consumers over the head with deals they can't say no to.

"You like that 3rd edition D&D book? $5.00 - or buy the WHOLE BOX OF BOOKS FOR $20!"

Is Matt still interested in Epic 40k stuff? Or howabout a literal TON (figuratively) of old Citadel minis in various stages of painting, basing, broken-ness, and awesomeness? I basically dumped 90% of the old Warhammer and 40k minis into one file box and all the Epic 40k stuff into another. How does one go about selling items like this? Weight? Flat cost? Per figure?

Make me an offer!

I'm also going to the Game Kastle flea-bag market on Sat, May 12th to try and hock my wares before Kubla (and possibly obsolete my need to attend Kubla to do anything more than wear a suit and drink). Anyone want to do that too?