
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dude, I got some books

In a weird twist on my personal substance abuse choices in life, when pot was going to be legalized in CA, or was being voted on, I had a whole plan for capitalizing on the deal. Since basically the law was going to allow each person to grow a small plot on their property, I had a website all planned out to help teach, track, etc. your own pot plot. I had advertisers contacted, growers consulted, the whole nine yards.

I also had a plan for a grow-op, which was essentially a central location for people in apartments, condos, etc. that had no place to grow their own, could sign over their 'plot' to this grow-op where we could either grow it for them, for a fee, or they could rent space to grow themselves.

I had it all figured out.... Damn the conservative man and his damn conservative anti-legalizing ways!!!! :)

So if you want some books Johnny, I haz them.

PS I would have needed some personal smokers to test whatever I grew, because I still have not, and do not plan on, smokin' no blunts, yo.