
Sunday, April 01, 2012

Dang Ry, you really got me! Good job bud.

Yeah, I'm liking Hero Academy! I've been playing online for a few days against some random dude, generally getting whupped but learning a good bit. I think the price point is fair, you can have lots of fun with the free army, or pay two bucks to unlock ads and get a new army... seems reasonable enough. Someone just needs to make a co-op MMO version of this, if there was like a WoW version where you could form up groups and tackle dungeons? Forget about it.

Tried starting a Draw Something game with you fArt -- couldn't find your username though?

Glad you had a good time at the game Rude! Yeah, I'm trying to cut loose a little with this campaign, try different things. I'm sure "Fantasy RPG Reader's Theatre" will make its return at some point. I liked doing the G+ session as well. Not really appropriate to have one at the point we left off, but we'll have to do that again. I really liked getting that little bit of gaming for two minutes each day.