
Friday, February 10, 2012

Thanks Aeryk! Had a great time at your wedding. :)

Coincidentally, I am going through some of the boxes of old shit we still have in the apartment. I will trade you some of your fine gems for some of mine:

- 2nd edition AD&D miniatures rules system: "BATTLESYSTEM!"
- Various D&D adventures I wrote on my Apple //c, printed on dot matrix paper (with the dot matrix strips still on the sides)
- Modules for the Ghostbusters RPG
- My original copy of Bard's Tale I
- Paul's copy of Bard's Tale III.

Also I used to make up my own Infocom-style text adventures by drawing maps and writing out room descriptions, walkthroughs and "Invisiclues" for them. There is one in this box as well. Let's take a random sample:

Ack! The stairs crumbled under me!
1. You can't stop this.
2. You don't even have a Tuffie (TM) Jet Pak. How sloppy.
3. Stop your fall.
4. How about the handrail?

... That's some great puzzle and clue design there, chief. I think I may need a few drinks, myself.