
Saturday, February 18, 2012

SW, did at least grab my attention out of the gate. WOW, not so much. I honestly did give it the old college try with you for four or five hours and for a shorter period at ja -El's, but it just did not hook me. Interestingly enough, the interface was not damning frustrating unlike SWTOR in the beginning.

jr0n, I think you are right about TI. I think another shot at 3rd ed is worth it given our runs were not under ideal circumstances. On the other hand, I would not try 2nd ed again. Not on a train, not on a boat.

Also, a brilliant response to the a GOP lawmaker who said "women had already made the decision to be 'vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant.'" regarding the lovely new SB484 law in Virginia forcing abortion seekers to have a vaginal probe prior to an abortion:

"I have an idea. Any sexually active man who thinks he gets an opinion about my body needs to put his penis in a mystery hole. And the mystery hole could be filled with nails or tomato sauce or a whole bunch of yarn or an angry squirrel, it's a mystery*. And they can't complain because they put their penis in vaginas so they've already consented to putting their penis in things.

*Just kidding, all the holes have angry rodents in them."

Squirrels. Funny. GOP. Not funny.
