
Friday, February 17, 2012

Have you tried the ME3 demo yet Rude? Good stuff. (Basically the same as ME2, with slightly deeper customization options.) Pretty exciting "War of the Worlds" vibe in the intro.

Surprisingly, I've heard good things about the multiplayer. It ties back into the outcome of the single player campaign. You can get the "best ending" to the game in either the traditional way (do tons of side quests and shit in the single player) OR if you play the multiplayer, you can get your "galaxy readiness rating" up that way as well and just play the main story arc.

I played ME1 and ME2 twice, so I'll probably play through with both characters. First up: Male Shepard, intergalactic fuckup. I pick the asshole choices with him and resolve everything in the sloppiest way (or just tell people to eff off when they ask him to do something). I am almost positive the universe is doomed under his watch. All made better by the ludicrous voice acting of the male Shepard actor. Then down the road I'll do a full playthrough with Space Lesbian Shepard (not her real name) who takes all the sidequests, does all the DLC stuff, has an awesome voice actor, etc.

Those games pretty much justified my 360 purchase right there.