
Saturday, December 03, 2011

Had a board game week-a-thon the past few days, now I'm back at the house for a week of shitty-work-a-thon. I saw the new Quarriors expansion out at all the stores. About $20 bucks, a few new creatures and the "corrupted quiddity" dice that I'm still uncertain about how they work. My girlfriend really liked Quarriors and almost bought it for me, but I STILL feel like I haven't played the game enough to invest in an expansion. I want to read some reviews before I bite.

Did pick up a couple new games. Tsuro, which is a fun tile placement/"path management" (I think) game with an asian theme. 2-8 players and dead simple to learn, the fun comes in trying to screw your opponents while staying alive. For such an easy game, it was really fun.

Also ordered from Indie Boards & Cards (the guys who put out Resistance, woohoo) their new cooperative game Flash Point: Fire Rescue. You play firefighters trying to rescue as many people from a burning building before it collapses. The fire-spreading mechanic looks similar to how disease spreads in Pandemic, but there's also a dice mechanic involved, so it's supposed to get pretty hairy. It just came in the mail, so haven't actually played it yet, but it's getting good reviews and supposedly scales really well from a family ruleset to more advanced hardcore gamier rulesets. Will get to play it in a few days, so I'll report back then.

Played more Kindgom Builder, and I like it, but I really don't know if I love it. Really need to play it with 4 players rather than 2, because I think we're really missing some competitive aspects that are probably buried there. That shit was $60 bucks goddammit, I better learn to love it.