
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

We have a slight problem with the reactor...

So I got the bright idea to dump a bucket of lava on some creepers and zombos' heads and well.. it sort of got out of control, lol.

I thought for a few minutes the whole forest was going to go up in a massive fire but I think the rainstorm kept it from doing so. The massive wall-o-lava going down the entire north side of the hill seems to be slowly disappearing. I think. Only lost maybe 10-15 trees in total.


Rood, I'm using Dokucraft which is 32x and rocks. I've used the comic one before that you linked, it was fun but I like the slightly medieval look of Doku. Also, as of 1.8 / 1.9 it's completely customizable which is nice.

Dokucraft Linky