
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It only looks like I'm walking out of a Starbucks, when actually I'm doing the robot going backwards INTO a Starbucks.

Was that really before iPhone? Sheesh.

I also spent a little time trying to massage it into a board game but yeah, not suitable for a direct translation. Puzzle games are something machines are great at managing the pieces for, humans, not so much. In some ways, it'd be easier just to make a wargame from scratch.

Although, thinking about it a little today gave me an idea for how to sort of map the puzzle idea to a board game that maybe would be somewhat fast and kind of fun in certain ways! Let me see if I can squirrel away a little time in the next couple days and I'll G+ that shit.

I didn't really debase myself too much in the orgy o' spending that is Black Friday/Cyberhund Monday. Picked up the Oddbox for myself (started playing Abe's Oddyssey again, man what a great game). Bought the HackMaster Basic PDF too (don't get depressed guys). Interesting combat system. Miiiight be different enough from D&D to be fun if we ever feel like doing vanilla fantasy again.

Man, I felt like I had a bunch of stuff to write when I sat down, but I can't remember any of it. I guess sheer exhaustion will do that to you. Here is a picture of some bacon lube.