
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Heh, that was a fun campaign. One of my favorite moments was the super awkward expression you got when invited to the funeral for the people you'd been sent into the Sunless Citadel to find. (You'd found them, beheaded them after finding they'd been mutated into plant monsters, then lied and said the bodies were missing.) Enron had some classic moments in that campaign, mainly opening the escape hatch, but also telling some random merchant you met on the road about your secret mission, at great length, while everybody kind of looked on baffled.

Aeryk the "lizard monsters" were Slaad, capable of innately manipulating the chaotic energy of Limbo. Read your Planescape, son! :)

CabinCon/GenCon -- I see no reason not to do both! They are very distinct experiences and fun in their own way. I know what you mean about Kubla. If we get some kind of quorum on GenCon and CabinCon I would maybe be OK with skipping Kubla this year and actually spending Memorial Day weekend with my wife for once.

Oh and Rude -- yes, Sunday is totally skippable. Thursday-Saturday is primetime. Nobody's really around Sunday, and the con closes down around 3:00 anyway.