
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Close -- Hackmaster is the game played by the Knights of the Dinner Table. (Dork Tower is the comic by the asshole who draws Munchkin.) It's kind of a weird bird; somewhere around 2005 they licensed the rights to 1st edition AD&D and then grafted tons and tons and tons of crazy rules onto it to make "Hackmaster 4th Edition." Kind of a half-parody, half-real product. If you ever read the old-school Gygax 1st ed stuff in all its glory, with all the crazy yet awesome stuff like the "Potion Miscibility Chart," and the endless list of polearms, think that in overdrive. For example, they added a critical hit chart. Most companies would have you roll a d100. For this chart you roll d10000. The monster manual was published Encyclopedia style, in 10 volumes. The GM screen was this fully laminated thing of glory that had something like 10 panels. It folded into one of two different modes depending on whether you were in combat or not. It was really pretty comically overwhelming, but the really interesting part is, it apparently was really well-playtested and totally playable.

Then more recently they made Hackmaster Basic, which is the precursor to the full 5th edition. This is what I picked up. It's no longer technically a licensed product, so they were able to ditch a lot of the parody aspects, and it's quite stripped down, but it's still a kind of crazy, high-crunch, sort of gonzo AD&D mod that seems like it'd be really fun if you play in the spirit of the characters in the comic (bloodthirsty, and attentive to detail). I haven't read much of it yet but the neat thing about the combat is that actions are kind of split up over the turn instead of the normal "my initiative count came up, so I take my whole turn now." You move and can attack and counterattack several times over the course of a round. Supposedly it keeps combat a little more engaging for everyone by reducing downtime. We'll never know until we play!*

* We'll never know