
Thursday, November 03, 2011

3D Printers

So how long until 3D printers become ubiquitous enough that miniatures and boardgame components are not longer manufactured, just sold as files on a DVD that home users can then print on their own 3D printer?

Lost a part? Print a new one!

Need a some new jacks for WarMachine? Print 'em!

New terrain? Print it!

Want to make a 125% sized version because you are getting old and can't read the dice so well anymore? Print a 125% sized version!

Travel version? Print it!

THIS is where the AT should be investing their time and energy - researching TRUE print on demand game services! Wheeeeee!!

(Enron, please don't harangue me with facts about cost/benefit/demand of 3D printing for a niche hobby right now - let a man dream!)