
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

having the smell or flavour of game

Let's finish our Fiasco game this week if everyone is available! Then, we can figure out the next interwebs game to play.

I ended up picking up 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars and it's a pretty good read! Basically a Starship Troopers/Space Marine kind of setting with abstracted combat for the mass killing of aliens. You only spread points on your character sheet between 2 skills, Fighting Abilities and Non Fighting Abilities. In between planets/missions, you rank up based on how well you did in relation to the rest of your team, so there's a competitive aspect which fits the theme. There's also an interesting mechanic called Flashbacks where during an encounter, if you've got a flashback slot available, you can take narrative control from the GM, do a flashback for your character, and if it's a "Strength" one, you basically define your character through that flashback and then explain how to relates to the current encounter. The encounter is finished and you get all the kills from it. There's also "Weakness" flashbacks which will take only your character out of the current fight, but save you from death or whatever. I still need to read that section again to fully grasp it, but it's basically a way to define what start out as super generic "space marine" characters with strengths and weaknesses. Combat is also interesting in that it seems very easy to die. You have Armor which can absord 1 hit. Then you have 2 other states before death: Mess and Crippled. So, basically 3 hit points I think? Crazy game, we gotta try it sometime.

Also, Cthulhu! Think about how it might be implemented over G+ Eric! Since Cthulhu probably isn't going to have much tactical combat, I bet it would be fairly doable without much tinkering.

I'm free really any weekend or weeknight - this week tue, wed, and fri are good nights for me with wed being the best.