
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


That was a great time, indeed. I'm glad we could see Enron out of bachelorhood in style by having him cook us a variety of delicious meals.

Sign me up for another CabinCon! The nice thing is I think there are a ton of great cabins out there once you start looking, so we could do this anywhere (Aeryk you gotta post that link to that crazy place that didn't return your messages...). I don't think I'd go to the extent of saying it should REPLACE KublaCon, that has a near and dear place in my heart. I do think maybe we could take a little lesson from it that we could focus more on games at Kubla and less on the ol' dealer room!

Did anyone get that list of games played? Because that sucker should definitely go on the board game list. I think I remember what I played....

Those were some good games Rude. Congratulations, you are now up there with me and Aeryk as the "guys who bring the hot games to the fuckin' table." In fact you may have supplanted us as I think your games more consistently hit the table. All hail Steve I'msteve! Have you considered a move to the Bay Area? Perhaps Oakland? Keep in mind it's the most punk rock possible location to play board games.

My personal highlights were:
- Just getting there and seeing everyone there. So awesome, everyone was chill and having a good time. Then Enron handed me that f***ing pepper vodka and the fun ended... :)
- The insane game of Survival with Rude and Myke where we erroneously thought that the whales destroyed both boats and the people on them, thus making the whales insanely fast murder machines that were far more dangerous than sea serpents. Then me jumping a guy off the boat I shared with Mike and smashing a whale into it, killing his dudes. Best rule screwup ever!
- Getting eleven points in a single turn to win Quarriors. Hell yeah! That game was a blast.

Good stuff.

In other news:
- Anyone check out the Minecraft update yet? Puts in the start of adventure mode. If you create a new world in it, there's way cooler and more dramatic terrain features. I haven't seen an Enderman yet but I know they're out there!
- I got in a game of Pandemic over VASSAL with one of the game group guys last night. It was awesome and I'm committed to playing regularly. I am becoming strongly re-interested in Combat Commander again, because the Vassal support is so good (many GMT games have great modules). Paging Aeryk...
- Here's what my lovely wife got me for my birthday. Aww! I know most of you guys aren't too interested in Warmachine but you gotta admit, that's a purty model. It's enormous, too -- that base is the size of a CD.