
Friday, September 23, 2011

Great CabbachelorCon.  Ate and drank my quota of meat and liquor for the year.  My intestines thank you.  Had a blast with the gaming.  And I discovered any game with a sports theme sets my brain to suicide halfling Blood Bowl mode.  Not good for winning or scoring, but oh so many casualties on both sides.

I hope you are all aware that I have a medical condition and dealer rooms.  If I don't get my fix, I will drop dead.  Speaking of my deep, deep shame.  I had a Pavlovian attack when I got home.  I preordered Dreadfleet from GW.  I never even played Man'oWar.  But pirate ships...  Yaaaaar!

I have to apologize about Space Trucker.  It would help if I read the rules beforehand and not six months ago.  I think we were playing with most of the rules correctly, but I found out that cannons pointing to the sides can actually hit three rows (whoops).  But at least Eric's impressive case of space herpes aboard the S.S. Mantanic was totally legit.  I have ordered the expansion.  There is also news that a second expansion is on the way.  It will have robot crew and boarding parties!

Still playing the Minecraft.  Peter is running his own server.  I have seen endermen and while they may have seemed creepy, their annoyance level overrides that.  They move all your shit around.  Get them close to any of your buildings, and they start plucking blocks out.  You never touch a man's blocks, that just ain't cool.