
Monday, September 19, 2011

G. G. Granny's Gum Jobs

Had the best time this weekend! Thanks to Jon and Eric for organizing it and Aaron for being the best cook/host ever. There was seriously more gaming going on than at most conventions. Perfect location and atmosphere and everyone was in great spirits. Fucking awesome. So many games that weren't played that I've been dying to try (Earth Reborn, Space Empires, Dungeon Lords, that D&D wargame!). Hopefully we'll get in another faux-con one of these days.

Quarriors - Surprised it got played so much! Did you guys like it? I think it's really intriguing and pretty fun. The dice element is a blast and I love the art. The expansion introduces "corruption dice" which is something negative that you can add to your opponents bags. Seeing as it got played a lot, might have to pick up the expansion when that comes out.

The Resistance - I was surprised at how awesome it turned out. Our group never got into those Werewolf/Mafia types of game but after talking to some people who have, they said Resistance is pretty much the best of that style at this point. Also, I mentioned how the spies rocked the resistance 4-0 but I was told that after you've played a few times, the resistance usually ends up winning about 50% of the time. Peter figured out that mission 4 is the only mission that needs to fails to lose, so thats good to know. Also, there's a rules errata I saw on BGG that says in groups of 9 or 10 players, the leader pulls and passes out 3 plot cards each turn. That would make a big difference I think. I had so much fun with that shit. The last game where Johnny and Aaron were arguing so hard was fantastic. I can't believe we pulled out a win. Check it's BGG page for some cool reviews and session reports: Resistance is Fertile

Survive: Xcape from Axe-lantis was pretty fun. Not the deepest game although some reviewers on BGG say there's some hidden layers of depth there when you really analyze it. It's a fun quick game and those come in handy during marathon gaming sessions.

Slapshot was sweet! Another beer-n-chili-dog gem that had some great cinematic moments over the various games played.

Galaxy Trucker is so good. There's a learning curve but once you get it down, it's an incredibly easy game to play. Hard to actually succeed, but the concepts are all easy to grasp. So much fun to build your disastrous ships. Really hope to play that one some more.

I had a killer weekend with all you guys - thanks for the great games, food, drinks (- pepper vodka), and goo gobblin adventures. More death-Frisbee in the middle of an awesome forest!