
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One thing I HATE about Supermarkets

is they can't get their price tags straight.  There's always some mixup, confusion, or price error (intentional perhaps?).  It can be as minor from separating onion flavor from regular, or as obscure as 2 ply to 3 ply when bombarded with thousands of different packaging with minute differences such as ounces, sizes, quantity or color.  Then there's the good ol' outright mistake in pricing.   I think this is  largely caused by the number of gimmicks these supermarkets employ to "market" to their customers, ie buy 10 save 5 dollar, buy 2 get 1 free, or special rewards discounts, etc.   Then some supermarkets have different class markets, ie Normal Ralph, Fresh market Ralphs, which offers separate promotions altogether.

What I was really suprised was in a Philippine supermarket, I never once encountered a pricing error.  That was one of the amazing things that really stood out, that I remember.  Cuz we're supposed to be fucken better than these 3rd world yokels in every aspect of shit imaginable right, mo'fo?  It was one of those mundane little things that you notice about restaurants or what not. I remember always checking my reciept just to try and catch that one time.  Never happened.

What does this rant accomplish?   Nothing.  But just thought I'd yell about the stupidity of it.