
Friday, July 29, 2011

That was a friggen awesome Dr Who. I haven't seen the last few years of the new series, but there were some amazing episodes those first few years I watched. One of these days I'm gonna go nuts and catch up.

Vampire:The Masquerade rpg computer game from 2004 is on sale this weekend on Steam for $5 bucks. It's supposed to be really good, so I'm going to pick it up. Word on the intertubes is that you should really download a the fanpatch that fixes a bunch of bugs in the game that weren't fixed in the last official patch that came out (which the Steam version is updated to). I guess the patch also adds a lot of content, but you can choose to just have the bug fixes or fixes/new stuff. I'm gonna play with just the fixes to see how it was meant to be.

1. Get the Steam version of Vampire
2. Get the fanpatch HERE (ver 7.6b)

Funny convention memories... you must invite him INTO the room.