
Saturday, July 02, 2011

Magika does look pretty cool and got a kick off of the video they had on their homesite.

I agree with rude (hope youre feeling better!), think it'll be better with no board, and having the seats as position. aAn idea that can change the positions is if everyone is assigned a position #, example 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5 (5 players) and 1 can only attack positions 5 and 2, and cards can change positions on players. Thats just an idea, to make positions moveable while gladiators manuever with cards rather than "static" spots without having to get up and switch chairs.

On the cards, to facilitate combo manuevers and team assists, we can use CC's idea of having 2 actions on a card. 1 Instant action and another primary action. Typically the primary action is more powerful, but can only be played during a players turn. While the secondary action are instants played out of turn, usually assists, blocks, attk/def modifiers, etc. That way, you'll also save alot on the # of cards in the deck. Just a thought.

BTW i'm done with my game. I'd like to try it out sometimes! It looks fun, BUT i'm sure thats just my enthusiasm talking or my ass.