
Friday, July 01, 2011

July 4th weekend!

Started a new diet and workout regimen. Balance of carbs and protien - carbs are for energy, so I eat a carb heavy breakfast and lunch then a low low carb diet at dinner time so the carbs won't be stored as fat. Protein are hard to digest, so I take 20-25 grams of protien breakfast lunch and dinner and spread it out evenly. Goal is to gain 10 lbs of muscle and lose 10 lbs of fat! Makes tons of sense huh!

On Gladiator:
How hefty should the game be? 2 player would be much simpler, 4-6 players is going to be the challenge in terms of determining the game mechanics while keeping the # of cards manageable and that has viability of fun and fast with an average gametime around 45 min to 1 hour?