
Friday, July 01, 2011

Jon - Like that idea of cards with holes in them. So is it like, imagine a card has 3 stripes on it with different functions: Attack/Defense/Item or whatever. Then if you place another card on top of it, the holes will highlight numbers on the cards beneath?

Jael - Cool diet :) I've been nuts on activities lately, so with a more controlled diet, I should get into better shape. Twice a week I do dragon boating which is mostly core-stuff, then I joined a boxing gym which I'm going about 3 times a week. That's fun man, makes you feel like a warrior :)

As far as 2+ players for the game, maybe we can start by looking at it as a 2-player game with the ability to expand if you combine another set bringing it up to 4. Besides the weird balance issues Thunderstone had, it handles a big group of players pretty well. But instead of building your deck to fight monsters, you're fighting each other?

Steam: SpaceChem is only $5 bucks today. It's fun and HARD, but when you successfully beat a mission it feels great. Really interesting puzzle game.

Conan: I never played it either! I would be interested in maybe trying it. I remember it got pretty dismal reviews. Didn't live up to the hype of what it was supposed to be like. But FREE is pretty hot and I'm willing to give it a shot. I'll go d/l the client and then we can try it out someday soon in the future :)