
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gladivs Maximouse

I totally want to work on the game but between biting a hell of a lot off at the new jorb and still plugging away at school, along with the commute and mi familia, I just haven't had the time. I like all the ideas professed so far and I can see the game being played in my head, I just don't see the EXACT gameplay- just a lot of laughing and groaning!

I like the icons as I think it speeds up gameplay, but I fear too many things to do in a turn and too many numbers to track might take away from the OG intent of fast-play. Maybe it shouldn't be fast play anymore?

And Rude, I envision the combos to sound something like this during gameplay:

E: "Since I'm in ATTACK stance, I can play this STRONG ATTACK card without needing to burn any other cards to make up the number icons needed."

R: "Since I'm also in ATTACK stance, that STRONG ATTACK will hit me for too much damage, so I'll play a BLOCK card from my hand to mitigate some of the damage"

E: "HA! You fool! Since you have a SHIELD card in defense, I play REVERSE and spin off the shield which lets me draw another card and attack again!"

R: "Prick"

E: *draws card* "Hoody-hoo! Since you just played a BLOCK card, I will play OFF-BALANCE on you which gives me a bonus 2 MOVE ICONS for the turn, then using those free ICONS, I will burn this STRIKE card for the ICONS, which gives me 5 total MOVE ICONS- just enough for LEAPING STRIKE! Burn the rest of my hand for 6 ATTACK ICONS which doubles the damage, and you need to draw 4 DAMAGE CARDS (which are printed right on the regular cards, but you keep them infront of you and they tell you any lasting effects, etc.).

R: "/slitwrists"

Or something like that.