
Thursday, June 30, 2011


- Wylie did just fine, he's at home eating ice cream and in pain, but he's a lil' trooper.

Or as Face to Face sort of would say if Wylie was the singer, "DO say yamokay, DO say yamokay, DO say yamokay, yamnotnotokaaaaaaay-yah!". (PS this joke will probably only be enjoyed by Ryan.)

- I did my share for the economy recently by picking up some Victory Point Games, games. This is a company run by Alan Emerich, who, if you attended early Strategicon events, you will recognize as one of the auctioneers from the Monday auction! He was not the black one, not the young one, but rather the smaller one :) Anyway, he has a game company and has a bunch of solo games available that are called States of Siege , and some of them look really fun! I picked up Legions of Darkness which is the fantasy one and Dawn of the Zeds, which if you hadn't guessed, is the modern Zombie one. I also picked up Forlorn Hope (Space Hulk-ish with solo rules!) and Gettysburg: The Wheat Field, which is a boardgame version of a miniatures game, which I have always thought could work out nicely.

I'm excited to play these games in all the free time I have. Not.