
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dude -- you should! We've even been getting in a fair amount of roleplaying in this year (one guy is running a 4th ed campaign we play once a month, and I've been running 3rd edition WFRP every month and a half or so).

Yeah 7th Wonder is good stuff, huh? Fast as hell once you explain it. I wish we'd had a chance to break out Dungeon Lords -- it's really solid. Played it twice in Mexico and once the other night and now I'm kinda obsessed with it. Maybe a Man-Con is in order in September?

You've already dropped a Wheezy on Kindle books? Dang son, that's impressive. Some books are really good deals on the Kindle, others are outrageous. Ie you can get the whole hitchhiker's series for $10, on the other hand a single book from Terry Pratchett's discworld series also costs $10. The last books I've read on it were Joe Abercrombie's Best Left Cold which is part of the First Law series (the first three book, starting with Before They Are Hanged, is really solid and totally worth reading, Best Left Cold was kinda bad and not really worth it), some free HP Lovecraft, and now I'm working on this big book called Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace that I tried, and failed, to read in college so now I'm trying again. This is a nice book to read on Kindle because it's 1000 pages long and has a bunch of endnotes that you are frequently flipping back and forth between.