
Monday, June 27, 2011

Congrats on the kiddo mang! I will give you the obligatory... SLEEP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN BEFORE THE BABY COMES. lol. Yeah, when we started with the kiddos, we made the conscious decision to have one of us home with the kids while the other one worked. It's been a total bitch financially (and at times, psychologically) to pull off.. but we're not homeless (yet, lol), and we're still eating food every day. I figure once Bennett is old enough to self-advocate, we can look into Michelle working full time again and he can go to a pre-school. Until then, we're doing everything we can to keep expenses down in a range that allows us to exist on a single income.

I'm crossing my fingers like mad for Amazon to come through with a gig. Hell, I'd probably accept something way below where I want to be just for the opportunity to get in the door and then climb up the ladder from within. The commuter train JUST got connected down to where we live south of Seattle, so it'd just be a 1 hour ride on the train. Also, it's only $175 a month for ride-as-much-as-you-want. It'd cost me somewhere between $400-500 in gas, plus maintenance/wear/tear on the car (plus the cost of a car, lol) to commute to Seattle on my own.. and another hour each way on TOP of the hour-long train ride.

Gaming goodz:

Heavy Rain is like watching a movie in which you get to interact and guide the plot. It's like Dragonslayer (the old skool arcade game) meets.. I dunno.. a really fucking cool detective / thriller (usual suspects?). I LOVE the combat so far (ok, only got into one fist fight defending a prostitute from an enraged john, haha). It's a lot of fun. Button mashing, sure, but it's more puzzle-based than anything.

It's almost creepy how interactive the whole thing is. I love it for how unique and interesting it is. I also bought LA Noire recently because it's been getting such good reviews. But, I haven't cracked it open yet. I'm playing Heavy Rain in bed with the wifey at night after we put the kiddos to bed. So in that regard, it's something fun the wifey and I can do together as well.