
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

That was funny!

Yes, confirmed for Friday afternoon. Giant beers ahoy! Hopefully about 2:00 is realistic. I could either use a pickup from BART, or if that's a pain in the ass I can figure out a shuttle (I believe there's one from SFO) -- just lemme know and I'll plan accordingly. Also can you take me to the hospital? Because I have these gallstones?

How do parking passes work? The wifey may be dropping the car by early Saturday morning and I'd keep it the rest of the weekend. Don't want to have to find 2-hr parking next to Mr Teriyaki.

I'm so fired up to play some games!!! I better start reading rules tomorrow for the complicated shit.

In "14 hours of Shogun" news, I probably will play in the Warmachine tournament on Saturday, because I know Aeryk wants me to. I haven't played an official event in like ten years! I think there's usually one day per con where I feel sorta burned out, so maybe having something directed to do will alleviate that! Theories!

My final Kubla Con related bombshell is that I will definitely be around until about 3:30 on Monday, so some of you jerks should plan for some extra gaming!

This will be my second weekend of debauchery in a row. Last weekend some of us rented a cabin with Matt in Pt. Reyes. Think houseboat style dietary intake. I sprained my toe doing the caterpillar for the talent show and we played over fifty games of shocker roulette, including once while driving across the Golden Gate Bridge.