
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just bought myself a Kindle! I had all this Amazon funny money from various promotions so it came out to about $70 bucks. Also, I have a ton of books on my comp, so I think I should be well stocked. Random impulse buy, but I'm pretty stoked. I had been thinking about a Nook Color because you can hack it into a passable Android tablet, but I played with one at the store and the weight and battery life were kind of a turn off. I'll eventually grab a tablet sometime in the future, but my phone has me pretty well covered for now.

RE Con, looks like I may end up driving after all. I have basically 2 weeks off around the convention weekend, so I'm taking a trip with my lady-friend right after the con, so we're thinking of semi-combining it. Might take her to visit her friends, then go to the con, then get her after so we can continue with a vacation for the two of us. Still working it out. But if it's a go, I can take up any bulky items socal dudes wanted to bring. I'll have it figured out this week.