
Saturday, May 14, 2011

eLzar says to bring Warmachine? F that guy. I am not bringing it! Ha! Take that Gozarian boy. In all seriousness, I don't feel like hauling it either. I vote we leave that at home this year.

I am totally down for some Kombat Kommander. I only get to play when the 'Zar is at the convention. I'd also like to try Horus aging, but I know that is a major time sink, so let your conscience be your guide.

r00d, the fridges in the rooms are tepid at best. They never seem to get cool enough either from us opening them all the time or being way under-powered. I am hoping someone has a cooler from home (read: not Styrofoam) that we can use with ice like last year. That being said, who has one and is willing to bring it? jr0n? eLzar? I only have a lunch sized one...

If someone has a table this year, I think I have a handful of oddball games to unload. If not, I'll try and dump them on the other game group's table(s).
