
Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks everyone.

She's not responding well to the steroids and antibiotics. They are going to try a different type of both and see if it makes any additional improvement. Basically, the pneumonia and COPD are combining to keep her lungs from absorbing enough oxygen. So, with the mask on at full pressure she's getting enough oxygen, but only just.

I guess we'll know if it's working in the next 24-48 hours. If she slips even just a little, she'll have to go on a respirator, which is pretty much the end of the line.

Uncle Tim and Aunt Jan are flying in tomorrow morning to come see their big sister. I hope that it's a boost of morale she needs instead of a last opportunity to speak with one another.

She may be crazy and strange but she's still Mom, afterall. Meh. Sorry to dump here, guys. Everything just seems to be coming to a head.

Thanks again for the well wishes. Appreciate it.