
Sunday, April 03, 2011

"Shakes fist angrily at sky"

So susceptible to peer pressure... It's a miracle I survived high school. By all accounts I should have ended up a gang banging crack whore.

Thanks guys... You all owe me my weekend back!

Yeah... So I tried the paid version of the Minecrack (I played with the free one before, but lost interest fast). It's eleven at night and I need to go to sleep for work tomorrow. Of course that's not going to happen, I need to bake more stone blocks for my hobbit fortress.

Unfortunately my game is also very unstable. Might be my old machine. If I'm outdoors too long, it freezes and crashes. I'm trying to stay underground most of the time. No exploring for me. What's worse is that I've lost some saved worlds a couple of times after a crash. Booo! Right now I'm playing through the browser. I also save often and close and reboot the game every hour or so.

I'll try to visit the server once I'm confident I'm not going to blow up the world.